About us

DTU Compute is Denmark's largest environment for mathematics and computer science located at the DTU Campus in Kongens Lyngby, north of Copenhagen.

DTU Compute's management consists of Head of Department Jan Madsen, the 10 research section leaders along with Administration and IT.

We are unique because our combination of research in applied mathematics and computer science sets the agenda for what we can achieve in the future.
Jan Madsen Head of Department

DTU Compute embraces both the deep theory and the practical applications. It enables us to pass on new ideas to innovative products for the benefit of business and public institutions.

We take problems and challenges from other disciplines and lift them into a virtual world where we can make models, calculations and simulations. The results of this work we can lead back to the real world and thus solve a wide range of problems.

All engineering students must go through our department as part of their education at DTU. At the same time, we train many engineers who become specialists in our specific areas. Together with our students, we create knowledge and innovation so that we can develop the society of the future.

This is how the department is organised:

DTU Compute consists of 10 research sections, two special sections dedicated to collaboration and innovation and a dedicated staff doing administration and IT. 

DTU Compute organisational diagram of late 2023