
DTU Compute strives to achieve research excellence in our science disciplines. We aim to achieve technological leadership in research and innovation, and to address societal challenges in collaboration with partners at DTU and other academic institutions – both nationally and internationally – and, equally important, with industry and organisations. We also communicate and collaborate with leading research centres and strategic partners to increase our participation in major consortia.

DTU Compute offers a high level of both theoretical and methodological basic research. We have a long term involvement in applied and interdisciplinary research within big data, artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), smart and secure societies, smart manufacturing and life sciences.

DTU Compute consists of 10 research sections. These sections do research in a combination of the fields of mathematics, statistics, and computer science.

Below the research sections there is a link to interdisciplinary research centres of which DTU Compute is a part.

Research sections

Research centres

Much of the research at DTU Compute is done at specialised centres in collaboration with a wide palette of external partners ranging from universities and businesses to organisations and foundations.

Visit our centres

A world with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly developing, and large language models have taken the world by storm. It underscores the need for impartial and constructive critical advice and knowledge, which is crucial for ensuring a sustainable future with open, inclusive, and democratic organizations and societies.

DTU Compute is Denmark's largest environment within mathematics and computer science, and some of the world's leading researchers in artificial intelligence work here. We collaborate with authorities, organizations, and industry to collectively make full use of artificial intelligence in respect and benefit of society. At the same time, we educate our students to master digital technologies.

Dive into the brochure (Danish) and gain insight into our research.