Section for Algorithms, Logic and Graphs

The Algorithms, Logic, and Graphs (AlgoLoG) section covers the core research area of theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics. Our research focuses on the foundations of computing with a broad impact in applied areas. 

Algorithms, Logic and Graphs
Algorithms, Logic, and Graphs section October 2023

The section consists of algorithms, logic, and graph theory research groups.

Research areas


We develop techniques and methods for storing, processing, searching, indexing, and manipulating massive data sets. Our research focuses on the fundamental computational challenges with broad impact in computer science and applied areas and is based on mathematics to guarantee correctness and performance. Our current research topics include data structures, combinatorial pattern matching, graph algorithms, stochastic search algorithms, computational geometry, compressed computation, differential privacy, and distributed computing.

Lead researchers

Philip Bille Professor, Head of Section

Inge Li Gørtz Professor

Carsten Witt Professor

Eva Rotenberg Associate Professor


Logic and logic-based artificial intelligence (AI) are multi-disciplinary areas of research focusing on the use of formal logical systems to represent and reason about complex knowledge and information. It encompasses various techniques, such as knowledge representation, automated theorem proving, formal learning theory, and automated planning. Logic-based AI plays a crucial role in numerous applications, including proof assistants, multi-agent systems, and cognitive robotics.

Lead researchers

Thomas Bolander Professor

Jørgen Villadsen Associate Professor

Nina Gierasimczuk Associate Professor

Graph Theory

Graph Theory plays a fundamental role in computer science, particularly in the design and analysis of algorithms. Graphs are used for modelling networks, the structure of software, to visualise the command flow within a program etc. Graph Theory is an independent mathematical discipline with ties to classical mathematics such as geometry, topology and others, and to engineering disciplines such as electrical networks and optimisation, and also with ties to modern mathematics and engineering motivated by the development of the quantum computer.

Lead researchers

Carsten Thomassen Professor

David Earl Roberson Associate Professor

Karl Magnus Heuer Assistant Professor - Tenure track
