Institutional Review Board

The Institutional Review Board at DTU Compute is responsible for the evaluation of ethical considerations for projects involving collection of any human data (i.e. through experiments), which do not fall within the area of competence and responsibility of the regional health sciences ethics committees.

The Institutional Review Board at DTU Compute is responsible for the evaluation of ethical considerations for projects involving collection of any human data (i.e. through experiments), which do not fall within the area of competence and responsibility of the regional health sciences ethics committees. This IRB is responsible for ensuring rights and well-being of participants, as well as good practice in data management and transparency of data, following guidelines in line with the Declaration of Helsinki. This will be ensured through evaluation of project proposals sent to the IRB; however, once approved, the responsibility lies with the applicants, as the IRB will not be responsible for guaranteeing that the applicants follow up on the regulations proposed in the report.

IRB approval should ideally be applied for prior to data collection. The committee will also grant approval for special cases where data collection has commenced or finished, if there are only minor ethical concerns, or where significant changes to the proposal are not required. (If data collection has commenced, this must be stated in the application).

The IRB will not review the scientific quality of the proposals. Also, it will not provide GDPR approval. It will, however, evaluate whether additional data protection approval is needed (in cases of partially anonymized or non-anonymized data) or not.

The IRB will primarily deal with projects of an experimental nature, with the goal of being published. It can also review student projects that require collection of data from human participants.

The bylaws for the IRB as approved by the head of department February 24, 2021.

Information regarding protocol, how to submit an application, etc. is available here.

The committee consists of VIP members across 5 different sections at DTU Compute, and two members from Administration/ITS.


Section for Cognitive Systems

Ivana Konvalinka, Assistant Professor (chair of the IRB)

Lars Kai Hansen, Professor, head of section

Per Bækgaard, Associate professor

Tobias Andersen, Associate professor.


Visual Computing

Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Assistant Professor



Lene Hogg, IT administrator

Henning Christiansen, Head of IT (vice chair of the IRB)


Ivana Konvalinka

Ivana Konvalinka Associate Professor

How to submit

The IRB usually meets 1st or 2nd  week of each month. Please submit your application before the 20th to be processed at the following board meeting. Send your application to the chair or vice chair. Applications should be based on the following template and should be limited to 7 pages (excluding attachments).

Use the following application template.