Defence by PhD student Louis Claude Bernard Olivier Boucherie

Defence by PhD student Louis Claude Bernard Olivier Boucherie


03. feb 13:00 - 16:00


DTU building 306, auditorium 35


DTU Compute

PhD defence

Defence by PhD student Louis Claude Bernard Olivier Boucherie

“Geometry & Geography of Complex Networks”

Principal supervisor:
Professor Sune Lehmann Jørgensen, DTU Compute

Professor Morten Mørup, DTU Compute

Associate Professor Ivana Konvalinka, DTU Compute
Professor Dirk Brockmann, Dresden University of Technology
Associate Professor Micheal Szell, IT University of Copenhagen

Chairperson at defence:
Associate professor Jakob Eg Larsen, DTU Compute

A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department

Everyone is welcome.

Reception will be held in building 321, room 232.